英语实习报告 篇120xx年的4月20日到5月8日这短短的四周我第一次学习当老师的教学实习周在这段时间我收获了很多也成长了很多近一个月的实习让我体会到当老师的乐趣当了近十几年学生第一次转换了角色以一名老师的身份去实习、去体验任务不同了视角不同了因此感受也不同前两周我们以听课为主为了能更好的适应学生教育环境我们认真听课记好笔记并即时和指导老师沟通反复推敲老师教案认真熟悉教材
经过两周的听课第三周我们便开始准备教案为讲课作准备指导老师指导我们写教案给我们建议第四周的周一早上我们进行了第一次 ……此处隐藏6290个字……d to produce information, and communicate y English. As long as my oral English is enough to communicate and I knoed or criticized for my fault at first, I portance to me, then to the country.
III. Gains:
“Study for the sake of use.” as a Chinese saying goes, I should say that there does exist a big gap betiliar ajor student, pletely right.
IV. Problems and Solutions :
The first one is related etimes, I y thoughts and focused myself on my y e customers’ pronunciation I cannot understand. One time, a client called me on Skype, so I found that he spoke very fast and I just can catch "Hello!" Then I could not understand any y best to make friends and chat with them from different countries. I"ll work even harder.